The deal involving O2 Consulting has won the Oscar of the venture market


We congratulate two of our clients and their co-investors  who received the Oscar of the Russian venture market, the national award " Venture Investor 2020" in the nomination "Best syndicated transaction" at the Moscow International Forum of Innovative Development "Open Innovations" 2020.

We are talking about the deal of four venture investors at once: Digital Evolution Ventures, RBV Capital, Primer Capital, and ExpoCapital. As part of this transaction, the Botkin project was funded. AI is a Russian high-tech platform for analyzing medical images using AI technologies. It is difficult to overestimate the relevance and importance of the project this year, when the whole world is suffering from a new challenge to healthcare.

Natalia Kuznetsova, Partner of O2 Consulting, who accompanied this investment, comments on the issue: "We are grateful to Digital Evolution Ventures and RBV Capital for their trust and a unique opportunity to participate in such an interesting and significant transaction. It was a great pleasure for us, as lawyers, to work on the transaction together with the amazing teams of all investors, whose high professionalism was confirmed by the national award. Therefore, we sincerely congratulate the funds and the company itself on the well-deserved award."

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