Russian Student Competition on Arbitration of Corporate Disputes named after V.P. Mozolin 2022


On September 30, the preliminary rounds of the VI All-Russian Student Competition on Arbitration of Corporate Disputes named after V.P. Mozolin 2022, organized by the Russian Institute of Modern Arbitration, ended.

The contest participants were faced with the issues of redomicilation, the nature of the contract with the management company, the possibility of its subordination to foreign law and the transfer of disputes related to its execution to arbitration. O2Consulting corporate practice lawyers traditionally help students immerse themselves in the world of corporate law and act as trainers.

A team of sophomores under the number 842 (according to the rules of the competition, we cannot name the university until its graduation) took part in the online premute on September 29-30, and at the premute of the Higher School of Economics reached the semifinals and took third place.

The team is preparing for the competition under the leadership of Alexander Pugach, an O2Consulting consultant, as well as colleagues from Buzko Krasnov, Ilya Kushner, and the state company, Georgy Shevelev.

We wish good luck to our young colleagues in preparing memoranda and winning the main rounds of the competition!

Russian Student Competition on Arbitration of Corporate Disputes named after V.P. Mozolin 2022

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